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Shannon Thompson

Hey! I’m Shan – Pilates Instructor, Yoga Teacher & trained Physiotherapist. I am super passionate about health & wellness & truly do believe that movement is indeed the best medicine! However, I am even MORE passionate that exercise should also be fun & empowering!


My passion for Pilates began in my teenage years where I used clinical Pilates to rehab my hockey injuries & improve my sporting performance. After experiencing the amazing results for myself, I was hooked! I completed my Physiotherapy Degree in Auckland & crossed the ditch to Melbourne, where I worked as a Musculoskeletal Physio & delved into the Pilates world for a few years.


The travel bug struck again so I moved to Canada & discovered a whole new passion for Yoga – I completed my 200hr Vinyasa Training & became Buti Yoga & Primal Flow certified. 

My next chapter was London… but #Covid…. So I asked my parents if I could open my own mini-studio in their garage… one thing lead to another… and I serendipitously ended up with the beautiful space that is Movement Pilates, founded by the amazing Sacha Hughes (quite the upgrade!).

It has always been a dream of mine to one day have my own little Studio & team of amazing instructors to share their passion for pilates with the community. My soul intention behind Movement Pilates  is for you to feel welcomed, encouraged & empowered to move your body in a way that feels good for you! 

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